Friday Fives | Books Published in the 20th Century (American)

Posted August 14, 2020 by TheNonbinaryLibrarian in books, friday favorites / 0 Comments

I started #FridayFavorites back when I started up the blog again and wanted to make sure I kept at least one regular post a week. This was, of course, before I knew there were others out there. But I decided to keep it, especially since I have the whole year planned out.

Today’s topic covers my top five favorite books published in the 20th century (in America). This may be cheating a bit, but I’m of the opinion that trying to find one favorite book is too difficult. What genre? Time period? Area? You get the idea, hence the reason to separate Britain from America.

In order of publication:

Words cannot describe this book. Zora Neale Hurston is one of the greatest writers in my less than humble opinion. Just go read it!


Oh. My. Word. This book….words cannot describe how amazing and subtly creepy it was. Shirley Jackson is a powerhouse of a writer!!


I think this book just tells such a moving story of how tragic life can end and how senseless it can be. This quote from Perry Smith really sums it up: “They never hurt me. Like other people. Like people have all my life. Maybe it’s just the Clutters were the ones that had to pay for it.” Also, it did start my true crime obsession, so.


I love, love, love Kurt Vonnegut! This was actually my first Vonnegut novel, and I fell completely in love with the book and his writings. Still haven’t completed his canon cause there’s just too many great books to read.


Yes…I’m including A Game of Thrones cause it is a high-fantasy masterpiece! The first book is just amazing…okay, you have to get through around the first hundred pages, but then it’s amazing, promise!

Happy Reading Darlings!

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