Friday Fives | Wow! Endings

Posted September 24, 2021 by TheNonbinaryLibrarian in friday fives / 0 Comments

As per usual, I started #FridayFavorites back when I started up the blog again and wanted to make sure I kept at least one regular post a week. This was, of course, before I knew there were others out there. But I decided to keep it, especially since I have the whole year planned out. In December, I decided to change it to #FridayFives instead to have more room for topics. If anyone wants to join me, the list for future topics can be found here.

Today’s topic is on books that had amazing endings that completely blew me away!

I was literally dead after finishing this! I was not expecting that ending or how much it ripped my heart out and stomped on it!

I pre-ordered this book. I did not know this book was a series. I threw the book when I read that ending! I’m so excited that the second book is out.

A fascinating, twisty book with such an interesting ending, and something that made me truly think of justice and our (United States) justice system.

I’m not going to lie, I think Hank wrote a better book than John. Come at me, bro! I thought this book was fascinating exploration of humanity, privacy, and infamy. That ending left me so mad though! But it was soooo good!!

In the poem The Hollow Man, by T.S. Eliot, he ends the poem “This is the way the world ends/Not with a bang but a whimper.” This book relates to that line so much that I can’t even! It was a beautiful book with such a wow ending but one that was subtle and haunting and stayed with you for days later.

Happy Reading Darlings!

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